Whilst simultaneously crafting our story-board, we split the group and began to formulate ideas for specific shots that could reflect our short five minute Psychological/Thriller.
Being that the genre relates to the psyche, or processes of the mind; we have appreciated the fundamental needs of (extreme) close-ups, to anchor claustrophobia and paranoia encapsulated within the protagonist. Secondly, we will need to consider the leading figures temperament when confronted by interaction.
Due to the fact he is essentially a solitary being, we will have to stay away from two-shots, instead maybe reverting to shot-reverse-shot in sparse moments of dialogue. This friendless notion that we have pinned upon the protagonist could also be anchored through wide shots of the countryside, with the figure lonely traipsing through fields, a shot inspired by “The Quintessential Guide To Dispose a Body”.
As time is of the essence, it would seem irrelevant and lengthy to discuss every shot throughout our five minute production. Therefore I plan to discuss our finest ideas concerning iconography, our first being the establishing shot of a bathroom plug-socket. We have pondered as to following the socket wire up to a perished corpse limp inside a bath. Initially the execution of such shot may be regarded as somewhat taxing, as we will have to locate a tracking dolly, and perform an extremely smooth shot. Straight away from this very unsettling image the audience shall hopefully be able to identify the genre, as the gingerly prowling cinematography should almost mirror a stalking notion, perhaps somebody who is so dehumanised, they have taken on animalistic like qualities.
Though spoken of before through initial research, we have also discussed the suggestion of a dolly shot tilted down upon the countryside. Coupled together with some thought provoking non-diegetic sound, this shot could symbolically propose that life is at times one big congealed, rushed mess. However, the beauty encapsulated in the shot could subconsciously portray that despite this notion above; the beauty in this world is what makes life worth living- the two conflicting dispositions that tear our protagonists mind, encouraging him to react as he does.
The next shot, influenced and inspired by “Garden State” ”, we plan on using an over-the-shoulder shot, reflecting off a mirror to identify our protagonist for the first time (commonly referred to as a Master Shot). This shot, introduced by a possible tilt up from the sink water could once again anchor the paranoia encapsulated within the protagonist’s psyche, as his suspicious, fearful state encourages his mind to believe the world is out to get him. This should thereby throw the target audience off course, as they believe this homicidal lunatic is actually the victim.
In terms of props and iconography, we almost want to capture these material items in a similar way to the countryside dolly shot. Initially this may seem vague; however, being that the protagonists yearns and almost dreams for a better life, he consumes his life around materialistic comforts, opposed to continually bettering himself as a person. Therefore, all shots of his clothes, clocks, radio and television perhaps will be executed in a close up, as he in not extracting the bigger picture out of life, which could be offered perhaps through a long/mid shot.
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